Implementing a mobility strategy

Howard Kennedy is a London based, full-service law firm, specialising in providing straightforward advice to entrepreneurial businesses and individuals on domestic and international matters.
- Services Used
Howard Kennedy was investigating a refresh of its client devices in response to a Mobility/Agility strategy. They needed to install 280 Laptops and 130 Small Form Factor Desktops. A Windows 10 beta image was tested and it was intended that two or more devices would be chosen before the end of February 2018.
A pilot programme to install 10 Laptops and 10 Desktops would follow in April 2018. The laptop rollout was planned to complete by September 2018. In tandem with the laptop rollout, Howard Kennedy replaced 203 19 inch or square monitors with new 24 inch LED units. Following the successful implementation of the laptops, Howard Kennedy planned to refresh its Desktop estate of 130 units before April 2019. Innovent were awarded this contract and deployed the desktops on time and to a very high standard.
Project Summary
Howard Kennedy had first used Innovent for a leasing solution in June 2013 – shortly after its merger with Finers Stephens Innocent. Since then the Firm has grown in size and broadened its legal service offering. Recognising that approximately half of its computer hardware estate was now over 3 years old, the decision was taken to refresh all units. Innovent was Howard Kennedy's provider of choice for this project.
Innovent assisted with the validation and procurement of the new Laptop devices. From the start, Innovent reviewed the current market in conjunction with some IT resellers and presented Howard Kennedy with a choice of models and manufacturers from which it was decided to select Lenovo. Innovent then arranged for the imaging and deployment of the equipment.
The supply of the hardware, together with Innovent's services were wrapped up in a single operating lease product which made it easy to present to top tier management and gain approval. Towards the end of 2018, Howard Kennedy adopted a new procurement policy which meant that its desktop refresh project was put to tender. Innovent was determined to win Howard Kennedy's business once again. Following some deliberation, Innovent managed to provide the best proposal which resulted in them refreshing virtually all of Howard Kennedy's computer hardware estate.
The Innovent Solution
Innovent then provided a turnkey implementation service. The components of the service delivered were as follows; The ordering, warehousing and delivery of all the units in advance of the project commencement. Unpacking, imaging and asset tagging of the units remotely
Delivery of the units to site as required for each weekly rollout of (25-30 units). Positioning of the units and connection to the network. Installing the units over 20 evenings between Tuesday and Thursday of each week. The removal of the old units, quarantining them on site for 1 week. Floor walking on the Fridays/ Mondays following each week’s rollout. Tidy up and remove the quarantined units, data wiping all removed units.
"Their delivery of the equipment and deployment of the units into our environment was exceptional. The professionalism of their service team resulted in a successful project with all of the older equipment being removed, data wiped and disposed of for Howard Kennedy. Based on the outcome of our two projects we can recommend Innovent to other customers. They are proactive, competitive and knowledgeable about all aspects of IT lease and asset management"
Howard Kennedy has experienced a cash flow advantage by leasing the vast majority of its Desktop and Laptop units from Innovent as opposed to purchasing them outright. The operating lease financing itself proved excellent value for money. With business disruption kept to a minimum, Howard Kennedy intends to set up a regular refresh programme.